3/17/16: mHealth Connect 2016

Project Description

Title: Consumer Wearables: The Path to Clinical Application

Date presented: March 17, 2016 from 9:45 a.m.-11 a.m. PT (11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. CT, 12:45 p.m.-2 p.m. ET).

Abstract: As the wearables market continues its remarkable growth, there is an increased awareness and interest to utilize this technology for clinical and research purposes. The ability to gather information from patients 24/7 on a long-term basis and to study and influence the behaviors and health of millions of individuals in real-time has the potential to radically transform medicine, health policy, and biomedical research. How close is this vision to becoming a reality? What are the barriers to this vision and what can be done to overcome them?

The panel features four individuals who are paving the way for the use of physical activity wearables and apps for clinical purposes. They will describe how they are leveraging consumer devices and apps for a diverse set of clinically related applications, ranging from orthopaedic diseases to autism to health promotion. In the follow-up discussion, they will describe the challenges they have encountered along the way and share their thoughts on what it will take to fulfill the vision of using consumer wearables for clinical and research applications.

The panel discussion is part of the mHealth Connect workshop, sponsored by the Mobilize Center and MD2K, two Centers of Excellence in the National Institutes of Health’s Big Data-to-Knowledge (BD2K) initiative


The panel will be moderated by David Shaywitz, Chief Medical Officer, DNAnexus

In addition to a live stream broadcast interested parties can also follow the discussion on Twitter: #mHealthConnect

Project Details