

Giving mHealth researchers the means to manage metadata for streaming sensor data

mProv is developing a data cyberinfrastructure that addresses the unique aspects of mobile sensor data to facilitate their use and analysis by researchers in computing, engineering and other disciplines.

This includes developing techniques for integrating metadata and data capture over mobile streaming data, and for propagating such data in order to enable reasoning about uncertainty and variability; runtime infrastructure and APIs for efficient sensor data acquisition and reply (integrated with human data capture); and mechanisms for managing privacy policies.

To seed the entire effort with real data, mPRov utilizes data collected in ongoing user studies in the MD2K Center of Excellence and collaborate with Open Humans project to recruit individuals who are willing to donate their sensor data for research use without restriction. Finally, metadata for mobile sensors that collect data in users’ natural environments may itself be privacy sensitive. mPRov will investigate privacy mechanisms to ensure privacy of data contributors, while facilitating research with their data and associated metadata. mProv is funded through the National Science Foundation and American Cancer Institute.

Grant/Award: NSF-1640813
Lead PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar, University of Memphis

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