Remote Oral Behaviors Assessment System (ROBAS)

Development and evaluation of the Remote Oral Behaviors Assessment System (ROBAS): Integrating a multimodal sensing platform (smart toothbrush, wrist sensors) with the mCerebrum software platform (physiological and EMA data logging, etc.) for the testing and iterative refinement via laboratory simulators and test subjects.

Grant/Award: NIH-1R01DE025244
Study PI: Dr. Vivek Shetty, UCLA

The utility of inferring health-related behaviors from smartwatches & other mobile sensors

IRB Protocols: #4274

A Multimodal Sensor System for Remote Assessment of Oral Health Behaviors

IRB Protocols: #17-000624

A Multimodal Sensor System for Remote Assessment of Oral Health Behaviors

IRB Protocols: #18-000874


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Devices Used in Data Collection:

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Person-days of Data

Billion Samples

MotionSense HRVSmart PhoneSmart Toothbrush