Santosh Kumar, Ph.D.
Dr. Santosh Kumar is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Memphis and the Director of the NIH Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K), which is headquartered at the University of Memphis. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from The Ohio State University in 2006, where his dissertation won a presidential fellowship. In 2010, Popular Science magazine named him one of America’s ten most brilliant scientists under the age of 38 (called “Brilliant Ten”). In 2011, he chaired the “mHealth Evidence” meeting jointly organized by NIH, NSF, RWJF, and McKesson Foundation to establish evidence requirements for mHealth. In 2013, he was invited to meet with the NIH Director to advise him on NIH efforts in the area of mHealth and was invited to the White House to give a talk on the future of Biosensors. In 2014, he co-organized and co-chaired the NSF-NIH Workshop on Computing Challenges in Future Mobile Health (mHealth) Systems and Applications. He holds the distinction of receiving the largest grants from both NIH ($10.8 million in 2014) and NSF ($4 million In 2016) in the history of the University of Memphis. Santosh’s research seeks to define new frontiers in the discipline of mobile health (mHealth). His decade-long work has involved collecting mobile sensor data from over 100 human volunteers for 25,000+ hours in their natural environments as part of various scientific user studies. His collaborative research involves more than twenty faculty members from fifteen institutions, spanning a variety of disciplines, making his projects highly transdisciplinary. Visit Google Scholar page.